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rest room (車站、戲院的)休息室;〔美國〕廁所。


Integrate with construction building and design , municipal and governmental building , steel structure , installation of water , power , heating and rest room , premaking parts , hoist , decoration , fitting and making of aluminum alloy with comprehensive service . . the company has power machinery equipment to build 公司集建筑施工、設計、市政施工、鋼結構、水電暖衛、裝飾裝修、鋁合金制作安裝等為一體,實行一條龍服務,公司機械設備力量雄厚,擁有與之配套的各種機械化施工設備。

Work included improvement of air - conditioning , provision of storage cabinets and replacement of office facilities , replacement of floor tiles and false ceilings , improvement of lighting , and renovation of staff rest rooms 這些工程包括改善空調系統;提供儲物柜;更換辦公室設備、地磚和假天花;改善照明系統;裝修職員休息室。

Students in sid can be supplied with the rooms in dormitories containing air - conditioners , resting rooms and telephones , all of which amounts to 9 dollar per day 本院提供宿舍,供有需要的學員申請入住。房間條件為標準間,附帶空調衛生間電話。費用標準為美元天。

Please inform the personnel / human resources department to release a notice before august 10 , about the staff rest room will be implemented officially 很簡單的一句話,幫忙翻譯。拜托請人事部在8月10日前,發出有關員工休息室正式實施的通知。

Please inform the personnel / human resources department to release a notice before august 10 , about the staff rest room will be implemented officially 請人事部在8月10日前,發出有關員工休息室正式實施的通知。

And when using a “ rest room ” , i do have a feeling of rest , because it is clean and has a window with a beautiful view 當我使用”休息室“時,確實領會到休息的實在含意,因為休息室窗明幾凈,窗外景色迷人。

There are 4 special massage room , 1 distinguished guests rest room and 1 large rest room ( with a 34 - inch color tv set ) 桑拿共計4個按摩包間和一個貴賓休息室、一個大休息室(內有34寸彩電) 。

You don t bring the garbage from your rest room to the neighbor and say , “ here it is . please look at it 你不會把垃圾從你的洗手間帶去給鄰居說:這個東西給你,請你看一看。

Do you have any special feelings when you use the bathroom / rest room of starbucks 對于星巴克的洗手間,你在使用時又沒有什么特別的感覺呢?

Women always go to public rest rooms in groups . it gives themachance to gossip 女人經常結伴去公共衛生間,這是她們閑談的好機會。

Men always go to public rest rooms in groups . it gives themachance to gossip 男人經常結伴去公共衛生間,這是他們閑談的好機會。

Excuse me . i would like to go to the rest room . can you hold my child for me 對不起。我想要上化妝室。你可以替我看著小孩嗎?

Where is the rest room 洗手間在哪里?

I ' ll go find the conference room at first and then go to the rest room quickly 我會先找到會議室然后趕緊去一下洗手間。

Women have better rest rooms . they get the nice chairs and red carpet 女人的衛生間很講究,那里有精致的椅子和紅地毯。

I ' ll go find the conference room first and then go to the rest room quickly 我會先找到會議室然后趕緊去一下洗手間。

Women have better rest rooms . they get nice chairs and red carpets 女人的衛生間很講究,那里有精致的椅子和紅地毯。

Men have better rest rooms . they get the nice chairs and red carpet 男人的衛生間很講究,那里有精致的椅子和紅地毯。

Where is the rest room , please 請問洗手間在哪